Yes, Schools are Political.

Yes, Schools are Political.

In today’s schools, we have created a system where learners learn despite the system, not as a result of it. Many of our institutions utilize a structure that sorts and selects students (e.g. Advanced Placement courses, Gifted & Talented Education, Special...
Learning is Complex. Teaching is Complex.

Learning is Complex. Teaching is Complex.

As we outlined in our last blog, the education system is incredibly complex. This edition focuses on learning and teaching in this complex system.  Learning: a process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences....
What is so complex about education?

What is so complex about education?

Teaching and educational reform are topics that easily spark engagement with all stakeholders. Most citizens care deeply about this topic and have opinions on the role of the educational system in the United States. Horace Mann is arguably the founding figure of...