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SEL Network

From 2018 to 2021, CEC partnered with the Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) to develop the knowledge and capacity to strengthen social and emotional learning competencies and advance academic equity so all students could thrive, through the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Network. Members benefitted from the collective knowledge of the Network and gained full access to experts from CASEL and CEC to help implement and sustain SEL in schools and classrooms.

SEL Network with CASEL

“More than two decades of research demonstrates that an education that promotes Social and Emotional Learning leads to academic outcomes and improved behaviors.” —CASEL

How the SEL Network benefitted school and district teams:

  • Provided schools with dedicated face-to-face support as schools work to implement the CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL
  • Utilized an approach based upon working together to achieve success through collaboration
  • Provided access to SEL Network meetings throughout the school years to build awareness, commitment, and ownership
  • Provided schools and districts with deep SEL implementation tools and guidance
  • Offered opportunities to learn from other schools on the SEL journey
CEC and CASEL logos together

Why SEL for Students?

SEL elevates student voice and fosters a supportive school climate, improves classroom behavior, increases students’ ability to manage stress and depression, and ensures policies and practices that promote equitable and restorative outcomes for all students

Why SEL for School Leaders?

School leaders with strong social and emotional competencies are better able to build and maintain positive and trusting relationships—a critical component of creating a positive, supportive, and effective school climate (Patti & Tobin, 2003). By consistently modeling SEL, prioritizing time for reflection and planning around SEL, and intentionally working to build relationships with school staff, administrators become visible ambassadors for schoolwide SEL.

Why SEL for School Staff?

Schoolwide SEL implementation intentionally nurtures a work environment in which staff feel supported, empowered, able to collaborate effectively, build relational trust, and develop their social and emotional skills.

To learn more about CEC’s Social Emotional Learning offerings, contact: info@cecweb.org.

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