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Our Strategic Plan

To advance our mission, CEC annually updates and refreshes our strategic plan. Similar to the work we do with our clients, our process includes stakeholder voice and input from our steering committee, staff, and partners. Our Performance Expectations are described through goals, indicators, measures, targets and strategy action plans.

STRATEGIC PLAN 2020 – 2025

CEC Long-Range Goals

Increase Service Excellence and Measurable Social Impact

Enhance and expand the business through excellent client service


Strategies for Action: Grow the business through a robust communications and marketing strategy that embodies our mission, vision, and core values

Resource Effectiveness and Sustainability

Make optimal use of our resources through a sustainable business plan


Strategies for Action: Ensure a stable financial future

Core Work and New Delivery Strategy

Deliver robust core programs and services that are impactful, timely, cost-effective, and meet the needs of clients


Strategies for Action: Sharpen CEC’s competitive edge by reimagining cohesive programs and services as well as innovative delivery models

Workforce Engagement

Hire, develop and retain an exemplary CEC workforce of team players who are committed to lifelong learning and growth to achieve both personal and CEC success


Strategies for Action: Enhance the governance structure, management, and execution of our brand.

Strategies for Action: Embrace a culture of collaboration, diversity, and shared decision-making.